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Tibor Feledi Kairos Quintet

Tibor Feledi Kairos Quintet (SK) presents original compositions, inspired by the tradition of Slovak children’s songs in an untraditional connection with contemporary progressive jazz. It combines groove and jazz elements with the influences of electronics, classical music, and free improvisation.


With the album “Common Playgrounds”, the band won the Radio_Head Awards for the album of the year 2018 in the Jazz Music category. As winners of the “BJD 2018 Young Talent Stage”, they performed on the main stage of the Bratislava Jazz Days 2019, together with foreign stars such as Ghost-Note and Jonah Nilsson. The current recording of “TREES” is a new single for the upcoming album, the release of which is planned for 2022.



Piano & synth: Tibor Feledi

Alt. saxophone: Lenka Molčányiová

Trumpet: Michal Cálik

Bass guitar & synth: Michal Šelep

Drums: Juraj Dávid Raši